Metamask: Deployment of smart contract for research. Infura, Truffle or Metamask (which is more practical)?

Using Smart Contracts for Research: Comparing Truffle, Infura, and Metamask As a researcher, implementing smart contracts can be an exciting but complex process. With the rise of decentralized applications (dApps) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), implementing smart contracts is becoming increasingly important. In this article, we will explore the differences between Truffle, Infura, and Metamask to…

Decentralised, Block explorer, KYC

Here is an article on “Decentralization of cryptocurrency: a role of researcher of decentralized and guarding blockchain (KYC)”: Decentralization of cryptocurrencies: decentralized blockchain researcher and role of knowledge-based guard (KYC) The cryptocurrency landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, with more and more users adopting digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, security…

ROI, Dai (DAI), Token Sale

“Maximizing the returns of cryptographic investments: a guide for sales of cryptographic tokens, ROI and DAI” ** As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, investors are increasingly interested in understanding how to maximize their yields of these digital assets. A popular way to achieve high yields is through tokens sales, where companies emit new…