Metamask Signature Verification Using Web3.js: Troubleshooting
As you’re using web3.js to sign transactions and verify them in a smart contract, there might be issues with your signature verification. This article will help you troubleshoot common problems that might arise when using metamask for signature verification.
Issue 1: Incorrect Domain Separator (DADVISOR)
The DomainseParator
is Calculated Incorrectly by Web3.js. Ensure That the Following Code Snippet is correct:
Const DomainseParator = Ethers.keccak256 (
“0x”, // Address of the Sender
… // Additional Addresses, E.G., “0x1234567890abCdef”, “0x234567890abccedf”, etc.
The DomainsePearator
is Calculated by Combining the Sender’s Address with Other Addresses in a Specific Order. The correct order should be:
- Sender’s Address
- Chain Id of the Network (E.G., 4 for Ethereum)
- Chain ID of the Contract (IF Specific)
Issue 2: Incorrect Signature
The signature is not verifying because it’s not bee signed correctly by metamask. Ensure that you’re using the correct sign
function and passing in the required options:
Const TX = {
from: “0x …”, // Sender Address
to: “0x …”, // Recipient Address
Value: 10n, // Transaction Amount
Data: […, / Additional data /], // Optional Data for the Contract
Const signature = await ethers.sign (
{Privatekey: “0x …”} // Your Metamask Private Key
Make Sure to Pass in the Correct “PrivateKey” Option and use the sign
function Provided by Web3.js.
Issue 3: Insufficient Private Key
If you’re using a private key that’s not sufficient for verification, you might need to add additional data or specific an error message. Ensure That Your Private Key is Large Enough for Signing Transactions:
Const TX = {
from: “0x …”, // Sender Address
to: “0x …”, // Recipient Address
Value: 10n, // Transaction Amount
Try {
Const signature = await ethers.sign (
{PrivateKey: “0x …”}
console.log (“Verification Successful:”, signature);
} Catch (Error) {
IF (Error Instanceof Error && Error.message.includes (“Insufficient Private Key”)) {
Throw New Error (“Insufficient Private Key for Verification”);
} Else {
Throw Error;
Issue 4: Incorrect Chain ID
If you’re using a different chain than expected, Ensure that the chainid
is correct. Web3.js uses Ethereum’s Default Chain ID (1). You can specific your own chain id if needed:
Const TX = {
from: “0x …”, // Sender Address
to: “0x …”, // Recipient Address
Value: 10n, // Transaction Amount
Try {
Const signature = await ethers.sign (
{PrivateKey: “0x …”}
console.log (“Verification Successful:”, signature);
} Catch (Error) {
IF (Error Instanceof Error && Error.message.includes (“Incorrect Chain Id”)) {
Throw New Error (Incorrect Chain Id for Verification");
} Else {
Throw Error;
By following thesis troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issues causing your metamask signature verification to fail. Remember to check your private key size, chain id, and ensure that all necessary addresses are included in the domain parator
If you’re still experienced issues after attempting thesis solutions, feel free to provide more details about your setup, including your code snippets, error messages, and any relevant information about metamask and web3.js.